Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
CLS new UK dealership for the Laser-Grader

Cleveland Land Services (CLS) is now the sole UK distributor for the Laser-Grader, the dealership having been signed at the IOG's 2011 Saltex show.

CLS says the machine can have a tremendous impact on the time and cost of constructing a variety of indoor and outdoor sporting surfaces.

Close tolerance grading on synthetic turf pitches, MUGA’s, running tracks, equestrian arenas, golf tees and greens, as well as asphalt tennis courts, will all benefit from the speed, accuracy and efficiency of placement and the subsequent increased production levels provided by the laser-grader.

The Laser-Grader can also be used in the renovation and construction of both synthetic and natural grass sports fields at all levels, as it can be used to prepare the subsurface prior to laying turf.

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